Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The greek protests

During the protests of May June 2011 in Athens we were there it felt like something was changing.

There was madness in any direction, at any hour. You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning ....

And that, I think, was the handle—that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting—on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave ....


music by: Explosions in The sky

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

charlie makkos: BOYS TOY

charlie makkos: BOYS TOY: photo by Charlie Makkos styling by Maro Palamara makeup by Stefi Bazavan model Isabella Stratigakis copyright Charlie Makkos

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

keep your enemies close

αν καίει το πρόσωπο μου είναι γιατί σε μισώ
πριν γενούμε άνθρωποι,

όταν κατοικούσαμε στα σπήλαια με κατσαρίδες μεγάλες σα σκύλους,
και δηλητηριώδεις αράχνες που τσιμπάγανε τα μωρά μας

ένα πρωί-τα βρίσκαμε πρησμένα με τη γλώσσα έξω και νεκρά.

το μισός ήταν το καύσιμο που μας κρατούσε ζωντανούς εμάς τους τρωγλοδύτες.
το μισός για την αντίπαλη φυλή ημιάγριων και απελπισμένων ήτανε το πρώτο μας όπλο
πριν σηκώσουμε την πέτρα από το χώμα.

ένα μίσος για αυτόν που θα μας εκλεβε το σαπισμένο κρέας που μασουλάγαμε στα σκοτάδια της σπηλιάς.

το γρύλισμα του τζάγκουαρ στο δάσος, το κουλουριασμένο φίδι κάτω από τις πετριές
οι φάτσες από την αντίπαλη φυλή απελπισμένων, εντυπωμένες στο μυαλό μας για πάντα.
ζούσαμε ανάμεσα στους εχθρούς μας και τους γνωρίζαμε καλά.

τώρα αν σου πω ότι σε μισώ, ότι θέλω να αφανίσω εσένα και όλο σου το κλαν, θα με πούνε κακεντρεχή.

η αλήθεια είναι ότι θα τα πούμε σε κάποια ουρά του ΙΚΕΑ.

εσύ θα κοιτάξεις το καλάθι μου και εγώ το δικό σου.

ίσως ανταλλάξουμε και ένα ευγενικό βλέμμα.

μα ένα κομμάτι μας θα είναι πάντα μέσα σε κείνη τη σπήλια.

εσύ θα κρατάς την μια άκρη
από το κόκαλο και εγώ την άλλη

Friday, February 4, 2011

If you can read this make me a Baloney sandwich!

PhotobucketBaloney sandwich is a delicious inexpensive sandwich from the Americas with bologna sausage in slices between bread, and other assortments like mayo, lettuce or ketchup.
Bologna pork sausage is very similar to the Italian large smoked sausage called mortadella made of beef, pork, and pork fat and seasoned with pepper and garlic form the city of Bologna.

PhotobucketOther countries have variations of bologna, like the German version called Fleischwurst or Extrawurst (assuring that foreigners will fail to pronounce it), or  the Lebanon bologna (or else called Pensilvania Dutch sausage) with extreme flavor.


Baloney is also a  metaphor for things we do to ourselves that make our lives tougher.
Apart from a very delicious ham, baloney is used in the English language to signify that someone or something is full of nonsense e.g he is full of baloney, or full of lies when its used in rhyme ‘phoney, baloney’. Is global warming baloney I ask myself all the time..

When bologna sammich was first introduced to the Greeks..
PhotobucketI must have been 10 years old when I watched the hot male housekeeper in the American 90s TV series ‘Who’s the Boss’ (Tony Danza) preparing the delicious baloney sandwiches for the kids.

I never forgot those moments and have been since wandering why bologna slices waited so long to become available in the Greek food market!

Well I need to say that you can find the finest  Italian mortadella di Bologna in the Greek market, which has a very close taste to the original bologna as i mentioned before..

I was recently googling for Danza and bologna sandwich (keywords search I find relevant) to find some info for my blog when I came across the most unexpected book recipes even for a baloney sandwich lover as myself.. It’s called Don't Fill Up on the Antipasto: Tony Danza's Father-Son Cookbook [Hardcover]. And guess what its written by Danza and son..OMG! What a revelation!

I also came across a very scary and rare large Danza baloney sausage!


To close up I need to communicate at least two recipes of bologna sandwich. I promise that they are delicious and will give you a new insight in the sammich preparation! So bon appetite!

2 Bologna slices (or else try a fine mortadella cold-cut from Bologna/Italy)
2 slices of white soft Bread
Salt & pepper
1 hard boiling egg
2 spoons of Picalilli sauce (for Greeks : Picalilli ΕΚΜΑ, Βασιλόπουλος)

2 slices white bread
2 Slices of bologna
Lettuce & tomato
Salt & pepper
Green pepper, sliced
1 red onion, sliced
1 sm. cucumber, sliced
spread a sauce of your choice, mayo, mustard, ketchup, or a cream cheese

Fry bologna slices for a few minutes and place on bread which has tomato, lettuce, green pepper slices, onion slices and cucumber slices. Salt and pepper to taste. Be sure to have plenty to drink around when eating this sandwich (a cold beer preferably).